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Create and FTP up a file named AffialiteCode.htm This file, if it exists in your domain folder, will be read, tags swapped for values, and output at the end of the SubmitOrder.jsp order submission process upon successful checkout. It will only be output one time, so if the user refreshes their page for some reason, it will not be reoutputted. This is to help avoid duplicate signals to your affiliate engine tracking system. Tags you typically need to transmit: <Total/> <Subtotal/> - item subtotal with shipping fees <SubtotalLessShipping/> - the item subtotal less shipping fees. (version 5 only tag) <RefNumber/> - this can be one of two things. the refnumber value transmitted needs to be unique. It will be generated from the date, in a format like: yyyyMMddhhmm . <TaxTotal/> - total amount of tax for the order Here is an example of a clixgalore affiliate tracking sample with swap tags embedded where needed: <!-- End affiliate code insertion --> <!--begin clixGalore code, copyright 2005 --> <img src="https://www.clixGalore.com/AdvTransaction.aspx?AdID=000&SV=<Total/>&OID=<RefNumber/>" height="0" width="0" border="0"> <!--end clixGalore code --> note the HTTPS in the src value. remember to use https when including JS scripts and images since they shopper's browser will be in https mode at checkout time. If you do not use https, then shoppers WILL get a browser prompt that some items on page are not secure. Google Analytics: This is a slightly improved version of googles sample code. the http url has been relplaced with a different SSL https one needed. You will need to replace this or google sample code with your account number and domain. <script type="text/javascript"> |
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