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All Options Defined
Now we will go over setting up your store options. To do this click the setup link and select your web store, (numerical address on the screen), it will bring you to the setup “Web Store Options” screen. Setting the options here will determine how your web store will function. Now we will do a walk through of the options on this list.
- Web Store Email : Enter a email that your web store will use to send confirmation emails etc.i.e. sales@yourstore.com.
- Use Real-Time Link? : Here you will have two options to choose from, Yes, attempt real time if possible, otherwise queue : Setting it to Yes, will make your store run in Real Time meaning the program will instantly communicate with QuickBooks to get information. For example, if a customer bought a item from your web site it would check your QuickBooks inventory at that moment. Setting it to real time can also cause your web store to run slower than it should. For example your web pages will load slow for your customer when they create a new account on your site, because the information is being pushed down to your local Quickbooks file at that very moment. For fastest performance we suggest that you choose the setting below. No, always queue fastest performance : Setting it to No, will set the sync to run every fifteen minutes to get information from QuickBooks. This process runs in the background, and does not affect your site performance.
- Default price level : Use this to set the price level customers will see on your web store. For now we will use the “QB Default Price” setting so it will display the pricing you have set in QuickBooks. You can assign special pricing classes to each customer with the “pricing matrix wizard” under the Admin tab. We go over this as well.
Note: the customer multiplier can be adjusted in two places in our system, the customer detail page, accessible by clicking on the customer name in the customers list, OR clicking the lock icon next to the customer name in the customer list (more common and faster cause you typically adjust discount when you set the customers user/pwd and initially grant them access to the system). We recommend keeping this at 100 at this time.
Domain Multiplier : This is a global price mark up. Use this multiplier to set pricing on the web site. For an example if a QB sales price for an item is 10.00 and your multiplier is set to 150 then it will display as 15.00 on your web store. This is a easy way for whole sellers to adjust pricing for their items in QB to another price. You can also set a customer multiplier that could be -10 to subtract 10%
Note: the customer multiplier can be adjusted in two places in our system, the customer detail page, accessible by clicking on the customer name in the customers list, OR clicking the lock icon next to the customer name in the customer list (more common and faster because you typically adjust discount when you set the customers user/pwd and initially grant them access to the system). We recommend keeping this at 100 at this time
Stop Loss Multiplier : Used to limit the amount that you can reduce an item's price via coupons or discounts. This basically protects you from selling an item for less than XX% markup. The default is 100. We recommend keeping this at 100 at this time.
Select store sales rep : If you are a company using sales representatives or have multiple web stores this is the option you would use to select them from QuickBooks. For an example you could set a customer to a specified rep that you have created in QBs for discounts on your store or if you have more than one web store you can use this to assign a rep for each site. Create reps in QB so they can appear on the drop down list.
In the next section you will need to enter store information such as company name, address, etc. Enter the information between the tags so it will display on order information for customers when they make purchases on your site, this information will also display on your emails that your site sends out. This is case sensitive and needs to be correct. i.e. (<CompanyName>EnterName</CompanyName>) i.e. (<CompanyName>yourstore</CompanyName>)
Order Options
This is how orders will be saved to QuickBooks after the sale is made on your store.
- Store Order type : The default is set to “Sales Orders”. With this setting invoices in QuickBooks from your web site will show as pending sales orders when you do a QB Report: Pending Invoices. This is a good way to see what new orders have came in for items that are to be shipped, then assign a tracking number, ship them, and uncheck the pending invoice
check box so it won't show as pending. You can only use this option if you have “QuickBooks Premier” or “Enterprise”. If you are a “QuickBooks Pro” user then the “Pending Invoice” option is what you can set to use the same method has the “Sales Order” option. Both of these
settings are a good way to tell what you have to ship vs have shipped?
The “Invoice” setting is used if you want sales form your web store to be stored as invoices
in QuickBooks. We recommend the aforementioned options to this one due to the fact that your sales invoices can get mixed in with other invoices that you might have in QB.
- Set Orders to Print : Orders can be flagged to print from QuickBooks.
- Store Sales Class : This allows you to create a class in Quickbooks to track customers and sales generated by your IA Modules powered site very easily. Just add a “webstore” or similar class in QuickBooks. If you have multiple web sites, you can create a different class for each site.
Customer Options
This section is used to determine how you will keep customer information as well as set their price class from the time they sign up at your web store. The Options are as follows.
- SignUp price level : This option is used to assign price classes to new customers when they sign up. It is currently set to the “QB default Price” .
- Customer Duplicates : When customers create an account with your web store the information gets saved to QBs. Sometimes, however, the customer might forget their user name or password and create another account. This action will cause errors and the new account information will be stuck in queue because one account already exists for this customer in QBs. Here you will have the option to append the customer account information and save his new account into QuickBooks, then simply merge the old account into the new one from the web store.
- Signup Approval : You can set this option to allow customers to complete the sign up process on the web site or be approved by you.
Promotion Options
If you would like to use special promotions or coupons for your web store you can enable them here.
Inventory Options
Here you can adjust how inventory will appear on your storefront for customers as well as limit what they can buy.
- Show Stock Qtys : You have the option to have item quantity appear when a customer browses the site.
- Qty Limiting : Use if you would like to limit the quantity a customer can buy at one time.
- Items Per Page : Enter the number of items you would like appear on a page.
- Authorized Items : If you would like for specific items to appear on the storefront then choose the custom option. You can select the items from a list by clicking “Select Authorized Items”
Security Options
IA Modules can be integrated to use SSL encryption for secure transactions. Enter the secured domain name with a / at the end. When customers login they will be switch to a secure connection. www.comodogroup.com is an affiliated partner of IA Modules and because of this we can offer competitive pricing on SSL certificates.
Tax Calc Options
for details on tax calculation, please see the tax calc page here
Payment Options
- Acceptable Payment Methods :
PO only- PO allows you the option of placing an order now and paying later
Credit Card only- Credit card number is read in QB. Credit card is not validated for sufficient funds nor does QB check if credit card number is correct. Only an experation date is needed to use credit card.
Both PO and Credit Card option- Can place and order now and pay later or use credit card.
- Choose Payment Process Solution :
Just Save Credit Card to QB(2004 only)-Credit card number is saved in QB. Credit card is not validated for sufficient funds nor does QB check if credit card number is correct. Only an experation date is needed to use credit card.
Process with Verisign Pay Flo Pro, Recore Payment to QB-Credit card is run through verisign pay flo pro(another accounting program). Card number, amount on card verification and experation date are automatically done in verisign. Verisign sends carbon copy to QB. Very Fast and easy process!
Verisign Pay Pro, Record Payment and Credit Card to QB04-Credit card is run through verisign pay flo pro(another accounting program) faster then QB.. Card number, amount on card verification and experation date is automatically done in verisign. Verisign sends carbon copy to QB. OR Credit card number is read in QB. Credit card is not validated for sufficient funds nor does QB check if credit card number is correct. Only an experation date is needed to use credit card.
- A / R Account : Select Account Receivable.