ia ec quickstart
get sync set up. chat us and we will remote connect to your pc and configure and run the sync with QB
Configure a DNS A-record where your DNS / domain is managed.
Make Categories
Login to your IA eC Control Panel. Under Site Management, use the Category Manager to create categories and subcategories as needed and then click commit changes. Tip: consider uploading thumbnails and larger banner images to /design_images folder. Set the image names in category thumb and banner fields. Use a-z or 10-99 in the sort field to arrange categories and subcategories in menu system.
Categorize Items
Follow the link to categorize items with the Item Categorizer wizard. Quick and easy, you can choose many items at once with shift and ctrl clicks. choose a category on the right and click update button. Continue until all items are either in their category or if not for sale online, in the NOCategory.
Store Settings
Click Store settings link in the menu to configure some initial settings. Be sure to set it to active. Each setting has a rollover help icon to the right to explain the feature. For instant online ordering, just set these options: payment options: po & cc, set your ship from state and zip. choose your instate and out of state zip. set class if you use classes. set order type to sales order. set append account name to username.
Featured items
Click Featured items from store promotions menu. type name or word of a item to select it. choose Home option to show these items on your home page. choose a few. now choose a few for the slideshow and click save. in the lists below, you can drag items up or down to change the order. click save. create a qb item Promo:Easy Reorder Form as service item with $0 and descrition of : Click re-order link after signing in to see our lightning fast re-order form .
sync and add this to the slideshow list.
click Customers menu option to see a list of customers. You can search anything from zipcode to area code or name.
test Signup and checkout.
create a test customer on the storefront. This customer will serve as a base line test for any and all test in the future.
Visit /Home.jsp , add some items to the cart. click the sign in link, choose sign up, fill out the fields and submit the form. on the checkout page choose pay later and submit the order.
click update button in sync app. check QB for a new test shopper with the company name / first last name. There should also be a sales order!
You did IT! You now have a functional online ordering system working with QuickBooks!
Next steps
use Plesk CP login at plesk.iamodules.com:8443
click FILES.
Drag and drop item images to the /product_images/original_images folder.
QB pro/premier/enterprise users should name the images like the item name in QB.
QB POS users should use the images sync and your images will sync to this folder.
/IAeCTemplates folder
in the IA CP, click the image manager wizard and click submit button. you will see a report as each images is matched to its item and thumbnail, standard, and hi-res size images are created automatically and placed in /product_images folder for you.
Go to /design_images and replace logo.png with your logo (about 400x200px). Replace item_th.jpg with a smaller version of your logo (about 150x150px)
Do you want categories to show one item per row? Ask IA support to swap in a template like that. Do you want to add additional text pages? see video on creating wrapper pages and how to assign them to the menu(as categories but with AltLink field set to /WSW/YourPageNameHere.jsp) . You can add a blank text files named YourPageNameHere.htm
colors should be easy match up to your logo colors with your IA Tech
Color Wizard allows you to change any with a color to chane the color of all things with that color TO another color easily.
Tip: depending on the design, we may need to combine all color related css classes into store.css which is the only file this color change wizard works with.
Cross sell
IA CP, click Item Manager link. click an item you want and then click its CrossSell tab and choose some related items. click update. in another tab, go vito sit /Home.jsp and visit the item. you should see related items there. if you add the main item, you should see those same related items presented on the 'view cart' page.
Its best to configure mailboxes with secure passwords that a re very difficult to guess. never make mailbox passwords like john1 for john@somedomain.com. use STRONG passwords.
Set one email box name in IA CP store settings > store email field and click save button. If mail is with us, set outlook account to use plesk.iamodules.com for ingoing and outgoing smtp traffic with ssl setting enabled. the ports are 125 and 465
You can access webmail of youdomain in a nice webmail interface.
If mail is not with us, please let us know the details and you should set your DNS SPF record to inculde the IP we tell you so that this ip is a 'trusted-sender' and email for signups and orders and abandoned carts will reach you and others and not be spam boxes.
Instantly have your QB automed store open for business after just a 2 hour assisted setup training session! The more orders it takes, the more phone calls you are saved.
You should make a item in qb called Re-Order Form. Descr: See all items you ordered before and easily reoder them from one page. You can then assign this to the featured items wizard slideshow list. You can also note there is a re-order form link in header after shopper has signed in, but in slide, it will get more attention while customers start using the site.
You can make other slides like this, simlply describing a qb item w desc of: Coupon code get 20% all items r specific categories. and set a coupon.
If you do not have a out of state sales tax 0% option in qb, make one. then be sure its set in store settings> out of state tax:
If your tax is in more than one state, ask IA suppprt. we have tables to suport simple picking different taxes bsaed on state matches for checkout ship to address. Also it can be set to per zipcode match a shopper to a specific tax code. That can be a lot of work, most b2b is non-tax. Exactor integration is what we offer for specific to the mailbox accurate tax.
If time permits, basic template adjsutments assistance is provided. Design hours, per agreement, are $75/hr. we can add or change functionality in the templtes to custom fit your needs for making certain fields show and others in a different order, even qb custom fields.
We use items with QB Item custom field YouTube to detect and show youtube videos on your product details pages if YouTube field for any items are set w youtube file link value text which is in the url to that video. sync items and you will then see those appear.
Store footer, site stats & FB links.
Sample code for google stats tracking is advised. get your good code and put it in the javascript already there in the storefooter.htm file. You may want to edit FB icon link in the footer to target your facebook page.
If you are using QB PriceLevels, you can login as a customer to visit items and confirm correct Pricing.
If you configure coupons, you should see those coupon applied in the cart.
Qty Discounts + Mix&Match QDP Groups
If you quantity discounts, ask IA how and where to congiure them: Its in item manager for a item, in qdp field enter 5-10P,10-15P to assign 10% off for 5+ qty or 10+ gets 15% off. ( QDP Manager for groups of items w same discount or mix&match qty discounts! the qtys will add together to total of their qtys to match qdp discounts)
Reducing duplicate Customers
We recommend you do your best to get current emails in your customers accounts and maybe subaccounts. This will help us direct them to forgotten password form to retrieve a random passowrd and login with that. their contact info and addresses should be there and you wont have to merge later any redundant signups in qb. For redundant sign ups, We have a wizard Message Queue of IA CP. You can reassign customer signups and orders to a new customer if u findhis online account ws deleted in qb. you can just create him again if needed in qb, sync, then in message queue wizard u can choose this customer for those messages. In case u see dupliate customers in qb, from online signups and old qb cust accounts, you can merge them in qb, new into old. be sure to note the email, user & pass in IA CP so you can set that into his old qb account. The wizard lets you do that if it has not syncd yet. If it has sync'd, then do it in qb.
SEO with Meta tag wizard
We recommend you set meta tag values in meta tag wizard for your home and other category pages. Its easy. be sure to set Title and description. load key search phases in the beginning of those fields.
make a site favicon with a online favicon-generator. there will be two lines to put in _head.htm file
put this line in _head.htm if not already there:
AdminMaint wizard will let you add messages to the queue to sync specific data like a time range or name range of items or customers or invoices, if needed. keep the ranges small, then sync, then repeat if for large ranges of large lists. If you feel a sync error occured and want to sync the last few weeks worth of changes, this is a great and useful feautre.
If items still do not appear, and you are sure they are active in qb, you may want to consider removing " ' & * % from the item name and desc fields and try again. let IA support know an exact item to test and check logs if this does not solve your 'missing item.
If you want to move the sync later to a different pc, as IA Support. If you want it to run as a specific user you create in qb, you can make that and then config that user to be used in qb > edit>prefs>integrated apps. click on IA eC and choose q user there. this must be done in single user mode, then you can go back to multi user after this setting is applied.
OrderTerms can be set. put text in OrderTerms.htm file. its existence will be checked and loaded and then checkoutstatus.jsp page will show this to the shopper.
Affiliatecode.htm can be set with the javascript you want to run ones when reciept is viewed online after a successful checkout. put your google ecommerce tracking code to see how your visitors and their page visits let to $ sales.
paypal checkout can simply be activated by entering your paypal email into store settings field.
authorize.net and qbms payments require configuration in store settings and a long number/text key string to work.
Email templates adjustments
Email_Order.htm is the file you want to edit at top and bottom so it is tailored your needs.
Email_customer.htm and CustomerSignUp.htm maybe customized to add useful instructions to your new customers about links to forms to fax or photos to send you.
SSL for your domain to protect logins and CC#s
Be sure to request us order a ComodoPro SSL from us so it can be ordered correctly and we can help guide you through the process and then install it for you and notify you of renewals. We sell them at a discount to IA customers, so get it started a few days prior to launching the site so browsers show ssl encryption protecting their logins and checkouts!
link redirects from old site pages
prior to turning off your old site old site, you should create a list of your top urls. in the .htaccess file, commands for those old urls can redirect your visitors to the new urls for those same pages. a report of your top pages from google stats or awstats apps can help.
wrapper pages
for static, non changing, informative text content type pages, you can create IAeC wrapper pages. Some already exist by default like StoreAboutUs.htm and StoreContactUs.jsp. you are free to make an unkimited number of additional such pages.
logo --> email templates
make a icon to show in web browser tab for your site. just upload your logo to www.favicon-generator.org and one will easily be produced. then upload it to design_images folder as favicon.ico
and be sure _head.htm has this line in it: