IA Modules eCommerce Documentation

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Quickstart guide for designers

New features in Version 8!!!

Over a dozen new big features you asked for are now available!
  1. QuickBooks Price Levels

    - Use Quickbooks Enterprise Customer Price Levels. This feature was introduced in version 7.5 and has continued to improve. It works with Percent and Per Item Pricing.
  2. Responsive Designs

    - Now there is a toggle option letting you set Table or Tableless per site. there are several responsive designs available for free. Custom adjustments are just $32.50 per half hour. White and Black versions are available with colors easly adustable to your preferences. Additionally menus for both left hand side and across the top header are available now!
  3. Menu Groups

    - Now there is a new wizard built into the category manager. You can use this to great 'menu groups' such as the drop downs for a horizontal drop down menu in the header. You can easily assign existing categories to these menu groups to better organize the presentation of your existing categories. This is especially useful for exsting clients wanting to go from long left menu to a horizontal drop down menu in the header and with more top level categories than can reasonably fit in a horizontal menu's width.
  4. Intelligent Automatic Session extension

    - Now Shoppers that have added items to the cart automatically get their default 30 minute session timeout extended to two hours. This can be configured to a greater time. This way sessions with items in their cart are far less likely to 'timeout' due to user inactivity.
  5. Automatic Abandoned Cart Saver and Emailer

    - Now, upon session timeout, sessions with items in their cart are automatically saved to Saved Carts section and a email is sent to shopper and admin. Admins can take action and shoppers can recover their saved cart easily.
  6. Double Drop Down Item detail template

    - Free template now available to automatically present items in double variations (size + color/material etc). It presents dynamic list of available versions and inventory and price of each once selected. The exact real item in QB is what is added to the cart. This can be configured in the now improved Variation Manger wizard.
  7. Rollover Zoom Detail template

    - Free template now available letting users rollover a item image and show a popup hovering zoom layer showing more detail using the hires image.
  8. Per Order Discounts

    Now a coupon can trigger a fixed dollar amount per order for promotions like $5 off an order. Whats special about this is we follow QB conventions by adding a discount item line to the order so discounts are properly applied and accounted for and easily reviewable in QB reports later. Other systems just reduce pricing leaving you wondering later why. With IA you will have proper discounts applied.
  9. Improved Coupon Manager

    several improvements have been made to the Coupon manager presenting items chosen better.
  10. Digital Downloads

    Now Digital Download items are easy to configure and sell online. Customers can access them from their account section. You can configure them with the Digital Items Manager wizard and upload them to a secure non web accessible folder so only approved shoppers can download what they should.
  11. PayPal Checkout with QB integration

    Now Paypal is available not only as a checkout option, but additionally will place the order into your Queue to sync to QB and with PayPal as the payment method once paypal payment is completed and they are returned to your IA cart site.
  12. Dimensional and multiBox Shipping

    Now dimensions and multi box items are calculated live for ship rates so your shipping estimates are even more accurate to real world fees. This is configurable in the improved Item Manager.
  13. Customer QB Custom fields are now available in Meta XML feeds

    Now more advanced custom behaviors can help you and enhance shopper experience based on QB Custom fields and values you define to solve your specific business needs.
  14. Improved Message Queue Fixer Wizards

    Now you can solve common issues yourself easily with the improved fixer wizards...such as quickly and easly removing redundant shopper accounts, merging them into one and all related messages remapped to chosen shopper you do have in QB.
  15. IA Sales Order and Invoice forms

    Now you can use a barcode scanner to add items quickly to Invoice and Sales Order forms. These forms and Customer forms now work great since rolling over from SAM sync to QBWC sync.
  16. Live Traffic Viewer

    Now you can see in real time all the existing sessions of shoppers on your storefront. You can see whats in their cart and if logged in, who they are. Live Interaction and chat will be coming soon!
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