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If you see the prompts like in the pictures below when you click to synch, you have multiple QB POS Company Files. Not to worry. You can make it stop prompting you to choose which QBPOS file to talk to. Simply read below to tell IAM Software which file to talk to. Go to your admin panel, click synch status. There you can specify your file name info, or DSN as it is called. Otherwise a blank DSN is passed along which causes the prompt for you to choose the file. If you only have one file, it is fine to leave DSN blank. If you set DSN, you will need to at least update it as you update major version of QBPOS, like from version 5 to 6, etc., because the Version is one thing that must be specified in the DSN.
Below is a picture of where you can specify the QBPOS DSN, and QBWC username and password. QBPOS DSN Setting: Password and Username Settings:
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